If I were to have to choose the most comprehensive and healthy sport, it would be swimming (hands down).While swimming is challenging, the many benefits are outstanding and unequaled.
MUSCLE GROUP INVOLVEMENT Swimming involves the use of almost all the muscles required for movement, but without the progressive wear and tear on the body experienced by more traditional exercises involving running and jumping.
Regular swimming will increase muscle tone and strength because water resistance is greater than air and the muscles have to work continuously to keep the body moving.
CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS Swimming is great for endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. These benefits are achieved without overworking the heart.
LUNG CAPACITY Swimming improves the body’s use of oxygen and increases lung function which is why swimming can often decrease symptoms in some asthmatic people.
WEIGHT CONTROL Swimming improves the ability to control and maintain a healthy weight.
STRESS REDUCTION Like other sports, swimming decreases stress by releasing endorphins and other relaxing chemicals.
LONGEVITY Swimming is a sport for all ages and fitness levels and a person can start swimming at any age. For many people it is the only form of exercise they can participate in.
CONFIDENCE As with other sports, swimming will improve self esteem and increase mental toughness.