Winning the Race is More Than Just Physical Training and Practice

You’ve worked really hard training and your times have dropped. You have goals and you are confident you are capable of reaching them. That’s not enough. Don’t sabotage yourself by not paying attention to your pre-race fueling and after-race recovery routine.

Fueling your body for race day is a huge part of getting the most out of your body and optimizing your performance. Ideally, race preparation should be a conscious event. There are so many things you cannot control, but nourishing your body is not one of them. Being properly fueled can keep you focused on your goals.
delicious apples and peanut butter make a great race day snack
Apples and peanut or other nut butter (stay away from Nutella as it only has 2 grams of protein per serving) You can also use yogurt
Each athlete has their own pre-race nutritional preparation plan. So, there really is no one correct way. It may take some trial and error to get a plan that works for your particular needs, but you will definitely reap the benefits if you spend time prepping.

A combination of carbs and protein is important. A fruit grain bar with some skim/low fat milk is a good way to start your day. Fruit and yogurt is also a good carb/protein mix. If you do better with less solid foods, try a breakfast shake powder mixed with skim or low fat milk (not a weight-loss version). A fruit smoothie with some protein powder will also work.

If you are swimming later in the day, you will want to eat a more substantial breakfast and add a snack an hour or so before your race.

Keep hydrated! There are a lot of options for hydration available. Water is the best option, but sometimes a sports drink is needed as it also has carbohydrates and electrolytes in the form of sugar, table salt, electrolytes. Potassium is also an ingredient. Potassium can help fend off cramps, but bananas are considered a potassium super-fruit so having bananas in your cooler bag is a must.

In your cooler pack veggies, peanut butter, fruit, nuts, string cheese, yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, applesauce…you get the picture. Make sure there is ice so the food does not spoil.

If space is limited or you cannot take a cooler, there are gels, chews and bars that will keep you race-ready. Don’t forget protein for recovery. Your muscles work hard and protein is needed to amp them back up.
Why and strawberry banana smoothie
Strawberry Banana Smoothie (add some whey protein and you're all set!)
Finally, don’t be tempted by the snack bars at some of the meets. Greasy foods are never a good idea.

Longer periods before a race: healthy, normal sized meal
Shorter periods before a race: protein/carb combo snack and water (not too much as you can get bloated).
After races: protein within 30 minutes-hour. Then start snacking as needed before the next race.

Race day over: Recover, hydrate and refuel.

*** Clif Clif Shot Bloks have several flavors and seem to rate well on sport nutrition sites. I personally don't like the Gatorade Energy Gel Bites.
